While observing Sadie today it suddenly occurred to me how much she has changed over the past month. At what point did she transform from a baby into a little girl?
Her face shows so much emotion and expression. New words are forming every day. She is independent in so many ways, strong and determined. She has loves and dislikes - she loves kissing, she loves animals and babies; she loves shoes. She dislikes eggs, dislikes her car seat and the wind messing up her hair.
For a mother it is a combination of wonderment and sadness to see her baby grow so fast. xx
I love lloking at your photos of your children
and you little girl is such a pretty little princess
enjoy each day
your right they do go fast
and before we know it they arent babies nor toddlers but big children
cherish these days my sweet friend
Posted by: jen | February 08, 2009 at 09:14 PM
Beautiful girl! My little one too is becoming a 'bigger girl' way too fast - she's convinced she's going to kindy with Maia tomorrow! I notice that every time we have a big move or change they seem to take a huge step up in their development - and the moral of that story is to stay put for a while! x
Posted by: little grubs | February 08, 2009 at 09:32 PM
You are so right. It's scary the way they suddenly seem to grow up. My daughter is now 11. 11! and I can't believe it. I so loved the seasons when she was a baby, toddler, little girl but now she is growing fast and there's a whole new season to love. My tip - cherish all their days to your heart and rejoice in a healthy, happy child. Adore your blog by the way. Alex xxx
Posted by: Alex | February 08, 2009 at 09:39 PM
Such cuteness! I think her name is so fitting for her sparkly personality...
When I hit your blog one of my favorite Blur songs palyed, thanks! -Lies
Posted by: lies | February 09, 2009 at 03:03 PM
Oh what a precious wee thing, utterly adorable. xx
Posted by: Bonnie De Gros | February 09, 2009 at 04:02 PM
She's just gorgeous. I feel the same way...we're just back to playcentre after the holidays and now M is TALKING to me about her play and telling me what she wants to do and what everything is. Really emphasised for me how much growing up she did over the holidays.
Its sad they feel the need to grow up isn't it. I'd go back for more if they stayed as babies lol
Posted by: SweetP | February 09, 2009 at 06:30 PM
She is still an absolute darling, beautiful pictures. It's funny how mothers want their children to not grow up, and that's all the children want to do! If you are really wanting a child in the baby stage, then there's only one thing for you to do...
Posted by: Catherine | February 10, 2009 at 03:19 PM
I was thinking the same things about my almost walking little girl last week. It is quite sad in some ways saying goodbye to their baby self, and yet it is truly fascinating and an absolute privilege watching them unfold into their own little person.
Adorable little Sadie! Sadie is such a gorgeous girl, so different to Charlie it seems. She's a lucky little girl to have such a wonderful family to grow up into.
Posted by: Stacey | February 11, 2009 at 11:45 AM